Thursday, August 20, 2020

Everything You Need To Learn About Medical Marijuana Grower’s License

After the legalization of medical marijuana in the states of the U.S., there has been an increase in medical marijuana patients as well as the number of people growing it in their home. Though growing it at home can be tricky, researching on it before getting started will help in a good harvest. And, you also have to take care of the legal plant limits, paperwork, security regulations while growing marijuana. 

If you don’t have a medical marijuana card, you can apply for medical marijuana card online in Anaheim through the secure telemedicine platform to get the card in some time. The best part is you don’t have to leave your home to get the MMJ card, you will receive it in your email after a few minutes of the approval. 

To grow you have to get an MMJ license, which is obtained after submitting the medical marijuana patient application with the state-licensed medical marijuana doctor's recommendation to the Medical Marijuana Authority of the state. If it is approved, you will receive the medical marijuana card in the email within 7-10 business days. 

Medical Marijuana Growing Rules

After getting the license, a person can possess and keep at home a few ounces of medical marijuana from 2 to 10 ounces(varying according to the state’s rule). 

A medical marijuana patient is eligible to grow a certain number of cannabis plants on their property. And, if you stay in rented accommodation, you should acquire written consent from the landlord to cultivate it on their premises. 

You should also abide by the zoning laws, by checking if there are some restrictions by the city government on your property. If they permit growing marijuana only on industrial or commercial properties, and your property is residential, you cannot grow marijuana in your home.

Security Requirements for Personal Medical Marijuana Grows

When you grow marijuana, you have to ensure that it is not visible to the passersby or a person standing adjacent to your street. Though there are no laws regarding this, it helps in mitigating the complexities. 

You should also compile information about the local marijuana fencing requirements, to better understand the state and country regulations. The ever-evolving regulatory landscape is aimed to enhance overall security. 

Most of the states of the U.S. have rules to fully enclose or obstruct the view of the marijuana plants. They have included everything starting from fencing height, material, obstruction, and lighting to ensure nobody can view them from the outside.

Some states have mandated completely blocking the visibility of the marijuana plants with fences and barriers by fully enclosing it and maintaining the airflow. 


If you have decided to grow your own medical marijuana, after getting the license, buy the seeds from the local dispensaries as the law prohibits buying by-products or marijuana from other states.

For cultivating high-quality marijuana, you can read books on the factors to be kept in mind while growing medical marijuana. And, a thorough knowledge about growing marijuana will help in protecting your plants from getting contaminated and mitigate the bug infestation.