Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Say Hello to Your New Year With These Cannabis Celebration Ideas

The New Year is a time when people look forward to new challenges and opportunities. Some look for a new start while others wish to leave all the bad vibes behind. And cannabis could be a great way to send off 2019 and celebrate the new year. For the patients with medical cannabis card and other cannabis enthusiasts, mixing cannabis with these festivities will be a great way to say “hi” to the year 2020.

Planning a Party With Your Family or Friends

If you like to be with your family or friends for your year-end celebrations, here is how you can turn into a grand party.

Go For Cannabis-infused Delicacies

Food is the essence of any celebrations. Guests look forward to consuming delicious meals with tasty treats. Aside from spending some quality time with loved ones. And cannabis edibles can be a great way to share with your friends and family. You can go for desserts and cannabis-infused dishes. You can even treat them with CBD oil infused chocolates. A great time to spend with your family and friends with your favorite products.

Gift Your Friends Their Favorite CBD Products

CBD products can be costly. You can plan to gift some to your close friends or family members as a token of your love. Or a way to thank your loved ones that you care about them. This way you can give them some relief to start their new year with a bang. You can place a bag filled with CBD goodies and gift each of your loved ones before the start of count down.

Start Munching While Waiting For the Countdown

You can munch on cannabis edibles while waiting for the countdown. You can plan some board or video games while enjoying your favorite cannabis products. Who doesn’t like CBD-infused jellybeans, chocolates, or cocktails? This can definitely uplift the mood of your gathering with these amazing CBD products.

Planning to Enjoy the Year-end By Yourself

If you are not much of a party animal and like to keep it to yourself, here is how cannabis can be an amazing companion this year for you. Whatever you do, make sure to have a medical cannabis card to get access to amazing cannabis deals and offers on your favorite products at the year-end.

Watch a Movie

Making some time for yourself is something that you crave for the most part of the year. And here it comes to you. You can watch movies appropriate for New Year’s Eve. You can watch any movie or show you want and welcome the new year with colors of course in your mind though. Just make sure you consume just enough doses to avoid any anxiety or paranoia issues.

Spend Some Time For Planning or Making Resolutions

If you are tired of binge-watching shows or movies, you can make some time plan ahead for the new year. You can schedule your year with travel plans or anything different you wish to learn this year. You can also make a list of your resolutions that you can accomplish. List them down or make a note of it to remind you of all these plans and promises.

Free Some Time For Yourself

You often find yourself worrying about the next day, meetings, family, children. In short, just no time for yourself. New year’s eve would be a great time to spend some quality time with yourself. You can use some calming CBD products and meditate to relax and emerge as a more confident person in the coming year.


New Year means to revitalize yourself and make yourself accessible for the new challenges and the opportunities. A great way to do that is by planning an event with your family or friends. You can also do that by spending some time with yourself. Whatever you do, make sure that you include your favorite cannabis products in your new year’s eve plans. However, go for a medical cannabis card to ensure that you are within your legal limits.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Managing Eating Disorders With Medical Marijuana

Eating disorders have become a mainstay of our media-saturated culture. Multiple studies have highlighted the meteoric rise of body-related eating disorders but none have been conclusive in their findings.
From genetics to psychological and emotional health, all of them have shown to have their own contribution to this issue.
Research into marijuana has been growing over the past couple of years , thanks to the wave of legalization that has taken over the US. Out of all the issues that it helps control, marijuana have proven to especially help patients suffering from anorexia nervosa.
It is often disheartening to see the amount of research that is ongoing in this matter. About 20 million women and 10 million men at one point or the other will develop an eating disorder, and the most common one is anorexia. Out of all psychiatric diseases, anorexia has the highest recorded mortality rate of about 12.8%, out of which about 6% are because of the patient committing suicide.
Marijuana As a Treatment
As a treatment cannabis, with its reputation of inducing the munchies would be a natural fit. Marijuana is used as an appetite stimulant for people suffering from HIV/AIDS or cancer. This has proven that it is a good fit for treating issues of this nature. The biggest challenge that people are facing is that only a handful of states list it as a qualifying condition for a medical cannabis card. But if the condition isn't even listed outright, there are related issues that can be leveraged for obtaining a card e.g., anxiety, uncontrolled weight loss, and nausea.
Mainstream Still Not Onboard
The mainstream medical community continues not to be onboard about the power of marijuana to treat anorexia. According to the Eating Disorder Center Of Denver, individuals that suffer from anorexia find empowerment in not giving in to the temptation of eating. In contrast, cannabis wants to make them eat, and so, according to them, stimulation of appetite simply cannot be the answer behind the issue. But in the same study, it was noted that in conjecture with therapy, it could be a useful tool in helping navigate anorexia.

Strains To Help
One might want to try out cannabis as a treatment for anorexia, but with over 100 strains, it can be challenging to pick one that will ensure that you are treating your disease effectively. Here are some strains you can start with.
Sweet and Sour Widow
If you are entirely new to the cannabis world, a sweet and sour widow is a great way to start. It has about 8% THC and CBD at 8% to making the high a super mellow affair. It is an excellent appetite stimulant. The high makes its way through your body in a gentle manner leaving you in a state of blissful euphoria.
This is a stronger strain, one that is a part of this list for the long term users. Some warehouses manage to cultivate this strain with a whopping 21% THC. This strain will leave you euphoric and mega aware. So, be very careful before you decide to take this strain.
Critical Cure
This is a through and through medical strain. It contains low levels of THC at around 11% and CBD levels of 7 % making it an ideal choice for many conditions. Its calming nature descends gently and leaves you feeling mellowed out.
Cannabis is an excellent option for people suffering from anorexia but it is essential to check with a doctor before you stop or change any of your existing medication.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Do You Need to Replenish the EC System For Managing The Right Balance?

Balance is the key to managing almost everything in life. Be it relationships, or maintaining your health. That’s what medical marijuana doctors online also recommend for managing their patient’s balance inside out in a way that will help to manage your physical and mental health pretty easily. It’s how the system works. That’s how it is supposed to be. 

Our body functions pretty much in the same manner. It searches different ways to create the ultimate balance. For instance, it works constantly and consistently to manage levels of different essential entities such as glucose levels, temperature, blood pressure, or hormonal levels. And the way of achieving homeostasis goes through endocannabinoid system. So, if you replenish your body with endocannabinoids, it could actually be helpful in finding the right balance pretty much sooner than otherwise. 

But, is it okay to consume cannabis for maintaining a mere balance? Or will it be helpful for managing other systems as well? But, before anything, let’s understand the need for maintaining the balance. 

Why do You Need to Replenish Your Body With Phytocannabinoids?

To understand this concept more clearly, let’s understand it with an example. For example, imagine you break your ankle of one of your feet. But, you easily adapt to this change after some days. But, when it starts affecting your natural balance and body starts doing things to replenish the right balance. 

In the same way, when things don’t work in the correct manner in your body such endocannabinoids start depleting. Replenishing them with the phytocannabinoids will help to manage the situation pretty much easily. And medical cannabis simply does that. Fills the gap of what you lost. As per the medical marijuana doctors online, this whole process of reviving back your system can be taken as nutritional supplementation as well. 

So, instead of talking in terms of recreational or medical, one needs to understand what they are taking in and for what purpose. If it’s for just the experience, then fine. However, if you are taking it for restoring your health, then it is important to understand what products will be beneficial for maintaining the right balance. In addition to that, you need to have the right dosage and timings as well. So, those things work out pretty much fine. 

Although a lot of research is still ongoing. But, one must understand the concept of replenishing endocannabinoids is not as easy as it seems. There are a lot of factors that actually factors that change the way a product reacts to your body. Keeping in mind all those factors will help understand if using medical marijuana will work in your favor or not. 


If you wish that your body must always be in homeostasis, then, it is important to use the right lifestyle choices along with medical marijuana consumption to turn everything in your favor. But, for that, you need to connect to the right kind of medical marijuana doctors online to make it feasible for you to get back your healthy regimes as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Having Trouble in Sleeping? Consider These Cannabis Strains

Can you imagine your life without sleep? The answer is straight-up ‘no’. If you don’t sleep well, it affects your whole next day. You will feel dizzy and tired or might even suffer from some body aches. A lot of people these days suffer from insomnia or sleeping disorders. Due to which, their body is not able to relax muscles, or handle the pain. This results in people consuming sleeping pills, that has many side effects, and can be very addictive. 

But, thankfully, we have a natural way to tackle sleeping problems, cannabis. Cannabis has two main components, THC and CBD. Due to marijuana’s medical benefits, it is now legal in 33 states for medical purposes. You just need to have a medical marijuana card to get access to medical cannabis. If you suffer from a condition that qualifies for mmj card, you can easily get from a licensed doctor. You can even find medical marijuana doctors online and get your medical marijuana card. 

The qualifying conditions also include insomnia or sleeping disorder. And once you have your mmj card, you can get medical marijuana for your sleeping problem. So, here’s a list of some of the best cannabis strains that can help you sleep.

Tahoe OG Kush

This THC dominant hybrid is heavier than the average OG Kush, and that’s why it’s best for people suffering from insomnia. You will feel your muscles relaxed within minutes after you consume it. This will make you roll into your blanket and sleep all night long.

Granddaddy Purple

There can be no list of strains that help people sleep with Granddaddy Purple. This one is again a THC-dominant strain and has high levels of myrcene. Myrcene is known to have relaxing effects. If you are suffering from pain and anxiety, this strain is perfect for you.

God’ Gift

Do I have to say anything else? it‘s a God’s Gift. if stress is the issue that keeps you up all night, then, this strain is really a Go’s gift for you. You will feel the peace and relaxation after inhaling this powerful strain. Also, you will uplift after this strain.

Sweet And Sour Widows

Who is coming up with these names! Give him a pat on his back. This is the first strain with balanced levels of THC and CBD. This one is perfect for people suffering from anxiety. Too much THC can trigger anxiety, so the balance of CBD comes in use for that.

Northern Lights

This is an old-school strain that will make you wrap yourself in a blanket and take you on a ride. Northern Lights is known to make you fall asleep easily and make it easier for you to sleep.


This hybrid cannabis strain kicks out insomnia without any problem. Ogre also has a touch of citrus flavor. It is known to have a delightful high and will show its effects very soon.

9 Pound Hammer

Come on, Thor can do much better than ‘9 Pound Hammer’. Be a Thor and crush your sleeping problems with this 9 Pound Hammer. If you suffer from many thoughts when you lie down to sleep, use this strain and feel the magic. It has a ripe berry flavor that makes it even better.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What is Hemp and Why are People Going Gaga About it?

We have all heard about that news where stoners stole an English farmer’s hemp crop, thinking it was cannabis. No, the stoners here were not stupid but were just confused. And the confusion is very justifiable as only experts or maybe some very enthusiastic reefers would only differentiate two plants. Similarities are such that the American government “naively” banned it along with marijuana back in 1970 under the controlled substance act. Both hemp and cannabis look alike and have very similar chemical qualities as well. Therefore, I am writing this blog to explain all about both products. 

“Their Highness”

Think from a stoner’s point of view, why would he or she smoke weed? Of course, to get high, what is the point of it, if you cannot get high. This is where things get interesting. From several compounds we get from a weed plant, two essential compounds are THC and CBD. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the thing that is responsible for you getting high. Meanwhile, CBD or cannabinoids are those things that have nothing to do with the “high feeling.” On the contrary, they are often used in medical marijuana to manage several diseases in human beings.

The Percentage Game 

Let us talk about the number for a minute, shall we? Dry hemp has very low levels of THC in it, somewhere below 0.3% of THC in it. Making this plan unresponsive to psychological effects. One the other end, marijuana plants contain a minimum of 5% to 20% tetrahydrocannabinol. But in some premium marijuana plants, the rate can fluctuate between 25% to 30%. Although big debates are going on the percentage of CBD hemp plants have. We can safely say it is higher than THC levels. 

The Looks

I always wanted to learn about how to differentiate between hemp and marijuana. Talking about the marijuana plant first, leaves from a weed plant will always be broader. The bud is clearly tight with tiny crystals or hairs. Bud from the marijuana plant can look like a nugget in many forms; a hairy nugget may be.
Meanwhile, hemp plant’s leaves are thinner than that of marijuana. When a marijuana plant from a distance would appear as a short massive bush, hemp plant’s density is low, as compared. Hemp trees can grow as tall as 20 feet. 

The Cultivation 

There are vast differences when we look at the environment; both plants are gone. When hemp can grow in an open field in extreme conditions, the same cannot be said about weed. Marijuana cultivation is a significant thing. They need a warm and humid atmosphere to grow correctly. Another significant difference is that the growth cycle of the hemp plant is 108-120 days. Cannabis plant doesn’t take this long; it takes 60 to 90 days. Hemp seeds are very intimate and can be planted as close as 4 inches apart. Marijuana plants need their space. Typically, there is a difference of at least six feet in each of the marijuana plant. Also, 420 plants and marijuana plants cannot bear each other. Pollen from the hemp plant will ruin cannabis crop in no time, breaking the psychoactive properties of it. 


Yep, these are the main differences between a weed plant and a hemp plant. So, when next time a person would ask you about both, you can canna-ready. But do not forget both plants are used to make medical marijuana. If you had gone for 420 Evaluations Anaheim, the doctor might have told you this already. The stupidity our government has committed already once, should not come in the way of you using any of these medicines.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top Five Lessons About Marijuana To Learn Before You Hit 30

You know what marijuana is, right? Who does not know about weed? It is our ancient and the safest most drug. William Shakespeare did it, Morgan Freeman did it, and many other oldies have done it too. People used to keep it in homes and used to grow it in the backyards, well precisely, hemp a sister plant. But yeah, our forefathers were true to it. Nothing in this world can equate the high effects of weed. So, it is about time you should know these fantastic facts about pot, which you should before you turn 30.

They have Made a Medicine Out of It

What is medical marijuana? Medical marijuana is medicine made with the help of using some parts of a cannabis plant. Now, the component used can be either be THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (cannabinoid). It can also be a mixture of both THC and CBD. The amounts of THC, CBD, or both depends on the disease it is treating. For example, if the doctor is prescribing it to a patient of chronic pain, then the medicine will have high THC levels. Meanwhile, if the patient of epilepsy is using it, good chances are, CBD will dominate medication. Want to know more facts about medical weed?

Meet These People

The queen used to do it. Yes, as per her private physician/doctor, Sir Russell Reynolds claimed that cannabis was the essential medicine they possessed. And Queen Victoria, the longest-ruling monarch of this world, used marijuana as a way of curbing PMS pain. And Shakespeare too, yes he used to do weed also. Even though it is hard to believe, but as per a forensic science test carried out on the tobacco pipes found in William’s garden, they found traces of marijuana. The experiments were carried out by using specialized gas to trace residue of marijuana from his pipes. Barack Obama, the ex-President of the United States, used to smoke joints when he was a teen, he was a weed lover, as described by his previous friends.

Italy Has it in The Air

Yup, it is about right, although the study was carried out in 2012, as per the Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, hash was traced in eight major cities of Italy. Milan, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Naples, Turin, Verona, and Palermo all had weed in the air. The highest amount of hash was traced to Florence and Bologna. But then again, in the same cities’ air, caffeine, nicotine, and even cocaine were found too. So, it is not only the love in Italian air.

There is Not a Thing Like Weed Overdose

No one practically cannot get a weed overdose. It is next to impossible to get ODed on marijuana. For the sake of it, for getting a marijuana overdose, a person has to intake 1500 pounds of weed in 15 mins. So, yeah, it is humanly impossible to OD on cannabis. Throughout the history of grass and America, not a single death was recorded with cannabis overdose being the reason.

Strain Which Matters

When we say medical cannabis, we are not talking about a single medicine or a single tablet; it is an umbrella term. Different strains are used to make different medicine that can treat various illnesses. One such strain is indica, which can manage chronic pain, anxiety, tremors, and muscle spasms. But then again, it causes dizziness, so better take it at night. 

Over and Out

Yeah, so these are those five facts that one should know before turning 30. Marijuana, as you can see, is a pure medicine at times and a pure fun drug at another; yet no one denies it is super useful for humankind. So, if you are suffering from a severe disease and nothing is helping out, you should try mmj. Go to any medical marijuana doctors online, maybe they can help you live a better life.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Best Strains to Fight Chronic Pain

One of the biggest physical problems in America right now is chronic pain. If ignored, chronic pain can even lead to a long-term disability. Chronic pain can alter the quality of life you want to live with the pain lingering for too long. You can suffer from chronic pain because of an injury. It can also be caused due to arthritis, cancer, and fibromyalgia, or nervous system pathology. 

Many people are now turning to cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain. Cannabis is known to have many medical benefits that help to tackle chronic pain. This herb can improve sleep and help in pain. The cannabinoids THC and CBD in cannabis have been shown to help in treating the pain due to the natural cannabinoid receptors present in our body. These receptors help in controlling the pain. If you want to buy medical cannabis, you would need to possess a medical marijuana card. If you want to renew your card, you can get many cannabis card renewal services online. Once your card is renewed, you can easily buy your medical cannabis. But choosing the right strain plays a crucial role too. There is a lot of cannabis strain you can find and it’s important to choose the right one for you. So, here are some of the best strains for you to relieve your chronic pain.


One of the best strains when it comes to pain relief. The high ratio of CBD makes it very beneficial against fatigue, depression, pain, and stress. If you do not want the psychoactive effects of cannabis, this strain is for you. The ratio of THC and CBD is 1:20. So, you can consume it regularly. Due to its exceptional benefits, many cancer patients use ACDC for controlling chemotherapy pain.

Jack Herer

Jack Herer can tackle a lot of problems including pain, anxiety, ADHD, depression, and PTSD. you will get a pine aroma from this strain. This strain was named after cannabis activist Jack Herer out of respect. Go with this strain if you need energetic cannabis strain that can provide you a clear-headed feeling.

Blue Dream

If you suffer from headaches, nausea, depression, and fatigue, the blue dream is your pick. It is a bit sweeter than the rest of the strains and has a blueberry flavor. This is a hybrid strain made with the cross-breeding between Sativa Haze and Blueberry Indica. But know that it has a higher ratio of THC, unlike the rest of the pain-relieving strains. So, you can expect the psychoactive effects after you consume it. It is excellent as you will feel an immediate reduction in pain and this is why it is loved by people suffering from depression, nausea, and chronic pain.

White Widow

Black Widow would’ve sounded even cooler (just saying). White Widow has gained its fan following because of its ability to dealing with chronic pain. It’s a hybrid too and has high THC concentrations which help in reducing inflammation. It will take you to a calming state of mind. It gives relief at the psychological level and makes you forget about the pain for some time by making you feel happy and motivated.

So, if you want to get rid of your chronic pain, you can go with these options. But remember, your cannabis card renewal is important to buy these strains.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How is medical marijuana recommendation your gateway to therapy?

Need a medical marijuana recommendation? Well, there’s no reason why you should stop yourself from getting it. Cannabis is loaded with medicinal properties which makes it very popular among the masses. Also, the legalization process particularly makes it easier for people to source it. Well, it gets a lot easier if you have an MMJ card. 

What makes a medical marijuana recommendation your ticket to happiness?

The fact that it allows you to source the herb makes it very useful. Cannabis has been a source of therapy for thousands of years. It blesses mankind with its relaxing effects and all the benefits stem from this simple fact. For a long time, cannabis was regarded as taboo but lately, the research has outlined the major share of the positives. 

The studies show that cannabis is loaded with multiple properties which makes it perfect for treating a variety of health issues. Now, if you think that you have a medical issue, you need cannabis for treating it. How would you purchase it? You need an MMJ card to earn the right to purchase it. The card gives you the legal right to purchase cannabis from the dispensary. 

How does cannabis produce the desired effects?

You might be surprised but there is a system within us that makes all this happen. Any guesses? It’s the endocannabinoid system. It’s a network of receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids which trigger the relaxing effects on the body. The main compounds which induce this effect are THC and CBD

THC is the major psychoactive compound and the main reason why you feel high. CBD or cannabidiol is non-psychoactive and does not produce a high. When you ingest cannabis, the active compounds interact with endocannabinoid receptors to trigger the release of feel-good hormones which makes you feel better. 

There are basically 2 kinds of receptors. CB-1 and CB-2. THC shows an increased binding affinity to CB-1 receptors which are predominantly present in the brain. It activates the receptors and you feel high. Similarly, the CB-2 receptors are mainly present in other parts of the body such as the immune system, thyroid, cardiovascular system, and the digestive system. 

So, both THC and CBD combine to activate the receptors and it brings a sense of balance in the body. For instance, if you have muscle pain, the consumption of cannabis helps in easing it. The anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis are pretty evident when the receptors are activated. 

How can you get a medical marijuana recommendation?

The process to get an MMJ card is very simple. The telemedicine has made the entire process very streamlined. All you need to do is find the right clinic and you can proceed with the process:

1) To find the clinic, you can take help from online reviews and ratings. This can help you in finding a clinic with a good reputation. Once you find the clinic, just apply online by filling the application form. It will contain the basic details which include name, age, address, etc. 

2) The clinic will link you to a certified doctor who will interact with you via video call. The main aim of this process is to check if you have the necessary medical condition which needs cannabis for managing it. 

3) Now, if you qualify for it, you’re eligible to own an MMJ card. With a card, you have the legal right to purchase cannabis from the dispensary. The best thing about the dispensary is that you don’t have to worry about the quality. Most dispensaries source their produce from top growers which grow the plants under a controlled environment. So, the quality is top-class. 

So, if you have a medical marijuana recommendation, everything thing becomes easier. You have a natural therapy in hand which works wonderfully in enhancing your health. Cannabis has surely been a blessing which we cannot ignore. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online in San Francisco

In San Francisco, you have now a chance to become a valid user of medical marijuana. How? Well, it all starts with getting a medical marijuana card online from a reputed doctor. Finding a credible cannabis doctor is not difficult anymore as cannabis is legal. However, you should know the right steps to attain a recommendation quickly. 

Step 1 Get Your Medical Reports Sorted

Start by getting your medical reports sorted. These reports shouldn’t be older than three months. A marijuana doctor will ask for the reports associated with your medical conditions. You can contact your primary physician and ask if he or she can directly share your medical reports with a credible marijuana doctor. If not, you can get them yourself and keep them ready for the consultation stage. 

Step 2 Assess The Options of Available Marijuana Doctors

In San Francisco, you won’t feel any difficulty when looking for marijuana doctors. But, spend proper time analyzing your options to select the best-suited professional. First of all, you need a doctor who is a licensed physician and experienced in marijuana recommendation. Also, explore the validity period of the recommendations a doctor offers. 

At the same time, you should study the fee structure of the consultation, recommendation, and ID cards. Some doctors charge extra for extra copies of recommendation letters and ID cards. You can also contact your friends who have obtained an ID from a nearby doctor. 

Discuss the duration of the whole process to make up your mind in advance. In most cases, it only takes 1 to 3 days to finish the process of verification and get your medical marijuana card online. With that, you will figure out the best-suited marijuana doctor who would make everything easy for you.

Step 3 Go For a Consultation

You can schedule an appointment with the desired doctor for consultation. This is the time when your doctor will ask for the medical reports for evaluation. Plus, he or she will inform you about the legality of an ID. You can clarify all your concerns and ask all your questions regarding a medical marijuana card. 

Final Step: Receive a Recommendation For Medical Marijuana

After a consultation, you will receive your recommendation with a unique ID. Dispensaries would require you to carry this card whenever purchasing cannabis. 

So, get this card laminated to use it for the whole validity period. The period of validity changes from doctor to doctor. Sometimes, you need to renew the validity of your card annually. But, some recommendations stay valid for six months only. So, you would need to renew them bi-annually. 

Benefits of Getting Yourself a Medical Marijuana Card

If you are wondering- why go through this whole process when recreational marijuana is legal? Well, you should know these unique benefits of a medical marijuana card:

1. Access To Top-Shelf Cannabis 

When you get a prescription, it lets you access the top-quality cannabis from the most reputed medical marijuana dispensaries. 

2. Reduction In Cost

With an ID, you can get cannabis at lower costs without compromising on the quality of the product. These affordable rates help you save money every month. 

3. No Legal Complications

You attain the freedom to treat your health conditions, and that too, without worrying about any fines or penalties. 

So, you have all the right reasons and correct ways to gain a medical marijuana card. What are you waiting for? Do it today!

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