Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top Five Lessons About Marijuana To Learn Before You Hit 30

You know what marijuana is, right? Who does not know about weed? It is our ancient and the safest most drug. William Shakespeare did it, Morgan Freeman did it, and many other oldies have done it too. People used to keep it in homes and used to grow it in the backyards, well precisely, hemp a sister plant. But yeah, our forefathers were true to it. Nothing in this world can equate the high effects of weed. So, it is about time you should know these fantastic facts about pot, which you should before you turn 30.

They have Made a Medicine Out of It

What is medical marijuana? Medical marijuana is medicine made with the help of using some parts of a cannabis plant. Now, the component used can be either be THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (cannabinoid). It can also be a mixture of both THC and CBD. The amounts of THC, CBD, or both depends on the disease it is treating. For example, if the doctor is prescribing it to a patient of chronic pain, then the medicine will have high THC levels. Meanwhile, if the patient of epilepsy is using it, good chances are, CBD will dominate medication. Want to know more facts about medical weed?

Meet These People

The queen used to do it. Yes, as per her private physician/doctor, Sir Russell Reynolds claimed that cannabis was the essential medicine they possessed. And Queen Victoria, the longest-ruling monarch of this world, used marijuana as a way of curbing PMS pain. And Shakespeare too, yes he used to do weed also. Even though it is hard to believe, but as per a forensic science test carried out on the tobacco pipes found in William’s garden, they found traces of marijuana. The experiments were carried out by using specialized gas to trace residue of marijuana from his pipes. Barack Obama, the ex-President of the United States, used to smoke joints when he was a teen, he was a weed lover, as described by his previous friends.

Italy Has it in The Air

Yup, it is about right, although the study was carried out in 2012, as per the Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, hash was traced in eight major cities of Italy. Milan, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Naples, Turin, Verona, and Palermo all had weed in the air. The highest amount of hash was traced to Florence and Bologna. But then again, in the same cities’ air, caffeine, nicotine, and even cocaine were found too. So, it is not only the love in Italian air.

There is Not a Thing Like Weed Overdose

No one practically cannot get a weed overdose. It is next to impossible to get ODed on marijuana. For the sake of it, for getting a marijuana overdose, a person has to intake 1500 pounds of weed in 15 mins. So, yeah, it is humanly impossible to OD on cannabis. Throughout the history of grass and America, not a single death was recorded with cannabis overdose being the reason.

Strain Which Matters

When we say medical cannabis, we are not talking about a single medicine or a single tablet; it is an umbrella term. Different strains are used to make different medicine that can treat various illnesses. One such strain is indica, which can manage chronic pain, anxiety, tremors, and muscle spasms. But then again, it causes dizziness, so better take it at night. 

Over and Out

Yeah, so these are those five facts that one should know before turning 30. Marijuana, as you can see, is a pure medicine at times and a pure fun drug at another; yet no one denies it is super useful for humankind. So, if you are suffering from a severe disease and nothing is helping out, you should try mmj. Go to any medical marijuana doctors online, maybe they can help you live a better life.


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