Friday, November 8, 2019

What is Hemp and Why are People Going Gaga About it?

We have all heard about that news where stoners stole an English farmer’s hemp crop, thinking it was cannabis. No, the stoners here were not stupid but were just confused. And the confusion is very justifiable as only experts or maybe some very enthusiastic reefers would only differentiate two plants. Similarities are such that the American government “naively” banned it along with marijuana back in 1970 under the controlled substance act. Both hemp and cannabis look alike and have very similar chemical qualities as well. Therefore, I am writing this blog to explain all about both products. 

“Their Highness”

Think from a stoner’s point of view, why would he or she smoke weed? Of course, to get high, what is the point of it, if you cannot get high. This is where things get interesting. From several compounds we get from a weed plant, two essential compounds are THC and CBD. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the thing that is responsible for you getting high. Meanwhile, CBD or cannabinoids are those things that have nothing to do with the “high feeling.” On the contrary, they are often used in medical marijuana to manage several diseases in human beings.

The Percentage Game 

Let us talk about the number for a minute, shall we? Dry hemp has very low levels of THC in it, somewhere below 0.3% of THC in it. Making this plan unresponsive to psychological effects. One the other end, marijuana plants contain a minimum of 5% to 20% tetrahydrocannabinol. But in some premium marijuana plants, the rate can fluctuate between 25% to 30%. Although big debates are going on the percentage of CBD hemp plants have. We can safely say it is higher than THC levels. 

The Looks

I always wanted to learn about how to differentiate between hemp and marijuana. Talking about the marijuana plant first, leaves from a weed plant will always be broader. The bud is clearly tight with tiny crystals or hairs. Bud from the marijuana plant can look like a nugget in many forms; a hairy nugget may be.
Meanwhile, hemp plant’s leaves are thinner than that of marijuana. When a marijuana plant from a distance would appear as a short massive bush, hemp plant’s density is low, as compared. Hemp trees can grow as tall as 20 feet. 

The Cultivation 

There are vast differences when we look at the environment; both plants are gone. When hemp can grow in an open field in extreme conditions, the same cannot be said about weed. Marijuana cultivation is a significant thing. They need a warm and humid atmosphere to grow correctly. Another significant difference is that the growth cycle of the hemp plant is 108-120 days. Cannabis plant doesn’t take this long; it takes 60 to 90 days. Hemp seeds are very intimate and can be planted as close as 4 inches apart. Marijuana plants need their space. Typically, there is a difference of at least six feet in each of the marijuana plant. Also, 420 plants and marijuana plants cannot bear each other. Pollen from the hemp plant will ruin cannabis crop in no time, breaking the psychoactive properties of it. 


Yep, these are the main differences between a weed plant and a hemp plant. So, when next time a person would ask you about both, you can canna-ready. But do not forget both plants are used to make medical marijuana. If you had gone for 420 Evaluations Anaheim, the doctor might have told you this already. The stupidity our government has committed already once, should not come in the way of you using any of these medicines.


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