Thursday, June 6, 2019

Use Your Medical Cannabis Card To Access The Strains For Combating Anxiety.

Medical Cannabis Card

Anxiety disorders can induce unwanted resistance in life. It becomes a barrier in daily activities and needs a proper solution. Thankfully, a medical cannabis card can give you access cannabis which can be used to relieve the symptoms of anxiety.

How is medical marijuana effective in treating anxiety?

Most current medications like benzodiazepine and other OTC drugs are effective but they come with the negative side-effects. This is where cannabis steps. Cannabis is equipped with the active compounds THC and CBD.

The human body consists of an endocannabinoid system which is a network of enzymes and receptors spread across the body. When the herb is ingested or smoked, the active compounds bind to these receptors to release the feel good hormones which induce the relaxing effects.

What are the best strains for fighting anxiety?

With a medical cannabis card, you can get legal access to marijuana. There are a lot of strains which have the required properties to combat the onset of anxiety.

Skywalker OG

This indica dominant strain is perfect for relaxing the mind and body. Featuring a high THC content, this strain launches you up in the clouds while you stay couch locked.

Skywalker is a stock-house of terpenes like bisabolol, limonene, and linalool. These combine with the active compounds to produce a calming effect on the mind. Along with that, these terpenes produce a delicious touch to your relaxing high.


It is a well-balanced strain with a sativa to indica ratio of 3:1 combined with a CBD to THC ratio of 5:2. The CBD dominances ensures you get a mellow high without the potent effects of THC.

Harlequin is a perfect daytime strain and can be used to offer the much-needed relaxation from anxiety.

Amnesia Haze

This hybrid strain has an 80:20 sativa to indica ratio. This strain is ideal for combatting the fear arising from anxiety. The sativa dominance ensures you have that boost of energy to keep you functioning throughout the day.

This strain is ideal for treating anxiety, depression, fatigue and chronic pain

How to choose the best strain for anxiety?

1) Get a medical cannabis card

This is the best way to get quality access to cannabis. How? Because you can seek professional medical help in choosing the best suited strain for your condition. If your MMJ card expires, you can always get a medical marijuana card renewal.

2) Choose CBD dominant strains

While THC is loaded with various benefits, if you’re a beginner, it is advised to use CBD dominant strains for subsiding your anxiety. CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce the intoxicating effect like THC.

3) Select the right terpenes

For the best effects, choose the strains with right terpenes. These include limonene, Bisabolol, Linalool, Nerolidol, and Beta-Caryophyllene. These are known to enhance the relaxing benefits and help you fight anxiety effectively.

So, anxiety deserves to treated effectively to provide the much-needed relaxation. Get a medical cannabis card and earn the legal right to buy the strains for fighting your anxiety. Cannabis is under constant research and expected to become more useful in the future.


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