Tuesday, November 3, 2020

4 Tips to Recover From an Uncontrollable High

Marijuana, some call it a wonder drug, and some still refer to it as a stigma to the society. Yes, the latter is slowly changing and cannabis is already on the way to making its mark as an alternate medicine. Through telemedicine services, you can get medical marijuana cards online in Anaheim or anywhere in California as state laws allow its medical and recreational usage.

However, if you are a novice user you might not be aware of a few things relating to the consumption methods and the effects related.

Any experienced user can tell you that there’s one thing no one enjoys’s, it’s an uncontrollable high. Maybe you are using a new strain and are not aware of the cannabinoid profile or your friend took a bigger piece and the edible kicked 2 hours late. 

What would you do in this situation?
Yes, breathing helps, but when cannabis catches you off guard, it can take down even the most seasoned users.

Let us look at 4 helpful tips to keep in mind in order to overcome an uncontrolled high.

Do not Panic

I know it sounds easier than done. But that's the first rule when you get yourself in a troublesome situation. Most effects of excess cannabis consumption will wear off in minutes to an hour or 2. And just as additional information, there have been no reported deaths in relevance to cannabis overdose. So no matter how freaky it looks or how sweaty you get the effects are not gonna last for long and you will be okay.  

Now, don't take this as a challenge, just keep in mind that you'll be fine if something like this happens.

Sniff or Chew Some Black Pepper

If you get too paranoid or anxious, look for some black pepper. A simple kitchen ingredient can be a savior here. Just chew or sniff on 2-3 black peppers for a few minutes and you'll find yourself in a better position. I know this sounds too good to be true but there's science behind it too, Caryophyllene present in black pepper acts as a CB2 antagonist and can help you calm down by limiting the cannabinoid activity. 

Look For Lemon 

Similar to peppercorn or black pepper, lemon contains limonene terpene which also has a calming effect. Drinking some lemon juice could counter the psychoactive effects of THC. 

For best results, squeeze a lemon along with its peel in a glass filled with some hot water and drink it slowly.

Lemon peel has high quantities of limonene.

Find a Positive Distraction

Now would be a good time to lay down and listen to some calming music, perhaps some of “Kind of Blue(Miles Davis), could be helpful here.
Try taking a warm bath if you are indoors, taking a nice shower is a pleasant option here. It would help you to unify your mind and body, while the effects of cannabis dissipate.

Take a walk in your backyard or any place that brings peace to your mind.


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